Today, we will explore the best decks and builds in Fairytale Fables. To truly experience the fun of Fairytale Fables, you must win a few matches and learn how the mechanics work. You can grasp the basics of the game with our Beginner’s Guide, but to win, you need to follow the best deck builds in Fairytale Fable. So read on to discover the top 5 best decks in Fairytale Fables and how to use them in your matches.

How Does Deck Building Work In Fairytale Fables?

Deck building in Fairytale Fables

Before starting with our top 5 list, you must know how to build a deck properly if you plan on getting these builds for yourself. 

First, you must remember that there are limited copies of every card, so you must grab the target cards as soon as possible to avoid getting a half-hearted build.

Second, unlike other auto battlers, you cannot pre-select characters in Fairytale Fables. Instead, you would have to refer to the Collection interface to find your target cards and memorize which ones to look out for. This can initially seem challenging, but you’ll soon get the hang of it once you start playing.

Third and Last thing you need to know about deckbuilding in Fairytale Fables is that USE THE LOCK OPTION! You get the lock option to lock cards you cannot afford in the shopping phase to buy in the next phase, so use lock instead of giving up on those valuable copies.

Top 5 Best Decks In Fairytale Fables

Here are the five best deck builds to look out for in Fairytale Fables:

#1 Star Power Build

Star Power Strategy in Fairytale Fables

As the name suggests, the Star Power Build relies on the Star Mechanics of Fairytale Fables. It is a dynamic board feature that can quickly stack much damage if played correctly. A properly built deck around the star power can shred through any deck in seconds and is personally my favorite deck in Fairytale Fable.

Key Characters For This Build: 

2BluebellReplaceableCan instantly add 1-2 stars when match starts.
3PuckReplaceableCan instantly add 1-2 stars when the match starts.
4DandelionCoreDoubles the number of stars charged.
4The Star GirlReplaceableStacks permanent damage with stars charged.
5The Star ChildEssentialCan instantly charge 2-4 stars when the match starts. (Substitutes Bluebell)
5NocturnEssentialCan charge stars and gives Slay bonus to characters.
6OberonCoreAdd immense damage to stars.
6TitaniaCoreDoubles the number of stars charged.

#2 Boosters Stack Build

Boosters Stack Strategy in Fairytale Fables

Again, you can guess from the name that this build revolves around leveraging boosters to stack tons of stats for your characters. This build would require a bit of game knowledge, so I wouldn’t recommend this build to complete beginners. But this would surely be a fun and robust deck for those who know how the game works.

Key Characters For This Build:

2Shield PageReplaceableProvides an early-game HP boost.
2Sword SquireReplaceableProvides an early-game Atk boost.
4RapunzelReplaceableGets bonus stats from being boosted.
4Rapunzel’s PrinceReplaceableProvides a stat boost to Rapunzel.
5Lady of the LakeEssentialProvides a stat boost and doubles stat boosts.
5Uther PendragonCoreLet’s boosters affect the entire Back Row. (Must Have)
6King ArthurCoreProvides a huge stat boost when killed.
6Lady GuinevereEssentialGet boosted twice for any received boost.
6The Wise MerlinCoreProvides stat boost and doubles stat boosts.

#3 Fluff Supremacy Build

Fluff Supremacy Strategy in Fairytale Fables

Yes, I just came up with that name. But anyway, the Fluff Build in Fairytale Fables is just getting all the Fluff Cards and using their skills to stack huge stat boosts for your characters. This is a simple yet effective deck build that does not require complicated tactics and is suitable for beginners.

Key Characters For This Build:

3Young Fluff FluffCoreBoost stats for other Fluffs when killed.
4Fluff FluffCoreBoost stats for other Fluffs when killed.
5Purple FluffCoreDoubles the Dying Breath effect for other Fluffs.
6Fluff LeaderCoreWhen Fluffs Slay, their Dying Breath is triggered.

#4 Cats and Dogs Build

Cat Build Strategy in Fairytale Fables

One of the most popularly used decks in the entire game, the Cats and Dogs build are everywhere! As you could’ve already guessed, similar to the Fluff deck, you just need to focus on all Cat or Dog cards to create an exceptionally stat-boosted deck. I think the cat’s deck is slightly better than the dog one, but that’s just me. Overall, this deck is beginner-friendly and effortless to build.

Key Characters For This Build (Cat Only):

2Cat AngelReplaceableEarly-game cat unit.
2Sleeping CatReplaceableEarly-game cat summoner.
3Cat BoxReplaceableSummons 2 cats when killed. (Substitutes Sleeping Cat)
4Cat ChoirEssentialGets a stat boost when cats are bought or summoned.
4Funny CatReplaceableProvides a stat boost based on the number of cats summoned last fight.
5Catnip In A BottleEssentialSummon a Funny Cat with boosted stats when killed. (Substitutes Funny Cat)
6Cat QueenCoreProvides a stat boost for every cat summoned this and the previous fight.
6Supply CabinetCoreSummons 2 Catnip In A Bottle when killed. (Substitutes Catnip In A Bottle)

#5 Spell Stat Build

Spell Stat Strategy in Fairytale Fables

Finally, the fifth deck build on our list is the spell stat build, which basically focuses on permanent stat boosts from using tons of low-cost spells. This deck becomes especially effective if you have a spell-oriented hero like Merlin or Odin. Just get the characters and keep buying spells, and you will be good to go!

Key Characters For This Build:

2Apprentice OwlEssentialGets a stat boost for every spell cast.
3AcolyteReplaceableGets an atk boost for every spell cast.
4Book MageCoreCan cast up to 2 spells when killed.
5Crystal SageCoreProvides permanent atk boost to mages when spell cast. Plus reduces spell cost. (Substitutes Acolyte)
6Witch Queen HecateCoreGets a stat boost for spells cast till now, and in the future.

Other Popular Decks in Fairytale Fables

Apart from the top 5 decks in Fairytale Fables, there are some other fun and effective strategies that I would like to share as honorary mentions. These might not be the best, but they can easily beat the top 5 in a 1v1 if built perfectly and synergized with the right treasures. So here are those decks:

Dwarf Items Build

Dwarf Items Strategy in Fairytale Fables

The Dwarf Items deck in Fairytale Fables basically requires you to buy a lot of items, and I mean A LOT! You need to get all the Dwarf cards and stack ‘em up with every item you can afford to stack their passive skills for massive boosts. The build shines once it hits late game when you get the Level 6 Dwarfs, who will turn the tide in your favor.

Key Characters For This Build:

2DwarfiEssentialGets a stat boost for every item owned.
3AuriReplaceableProvides a stat boost to characters with items.
4HaviEssentialGets a stat boost for every item equipped.
5SmithiReplaceableProvides a permanent stat boost to items every round.
6TempiEssentialGets double the stat boost from items. Can carry up to 3.
6AdmiriCoreProvides a stat boost for every item owned.
6MultiCoreDoubles the item stats for every Dwarf.

Hero Hunter Build

Hero Hunter Strategy in Fairytale Fables

I find the Hero Hunter build pretty interesting. Not only does this build depend heavily on your Hero’s attack prowess, but it always requires selective cards to dish out massive damage. If you can grab just the right cards before the late game, you can easily outperform any other deck build. Apart from that, this deck is quite fun! A solid 8.5/10, I’d say.

Key Characters For This Build:

2Tracking DogReplaceableProvides a temporary increase to the Hero atk.
3Grown-up HanselEssentialGets a stat boost based on Hero atk.
4Detective ApprenticeReplaceableIncreases Hero atk permanently when killed.
4Mycroft HolmesEssentialGets a permanent stat boost when Hero atk increases.
5Dr. WatsonCoreBoosts a character with “Permanently Hero atk increase when killed” effect. (Substitutes Detective Apprentice)
5Grown-up GretelCoreGets a stat boost based on Hero atk. Also permanently increases Hero atk on killing enemy characters.
6Sherlock HolmesEssentialTemporarily doubles Hero atk when killed.
6Van HelsingEssentialDeals up to 80% of Hero atk to 3 enemies when killed.

Demon Aura Build

Demon Aura Strategy in Fairytale Fables

And finally, the last deck I would like to feature is the demon aura deck. Very fun and quite powerful throughout the game. Get the right cards, stack them up properly, and Viola! You’re good to go. Getting some Aura Double Items and Treasures doesn’t hurt and can make this deck potentially unbeatable.

Key Characters For This Build:

2Small ImpReplaceableEarly-game Demon character.
3Demon HarbingerReplaceableProvides a stat boost to demon characters.
4Hell HoundEssentialGets a stat boost for every evil character on board.
5High DemonCoreProvides a stat boost to demon characters for every evil character on board.
5SuccubusCoreMakes enemy characters attack themselves.
6ArchdemonEssentialFor the first 3 deaths, summon a Demon Harbinger in their place.

Tips for Becoming A Pro At Fairytale Fables

Using a good deck is not the only thing you need to do right. To win every game you play, you need to make a lot of right decisions which will lead to your victory. Here are some tips that you can follow to help you secure a clear win at Fairytale Fables:

  1. Stick To Your Deck, But Don’t Go All Out. Sometimes it can take too long to get the right cards. That doesn’t mean you keep spending all your gold on rerolls. Instead, get some strong solo characters to carry you till you find the right fit for your deck.
  2. Characters Are Not Everything. Don’t just focus on your characters. Treasures and items are equally important to get your deck up to the mark. For spell-specific decks, spells carry more importance than characters. So spend your gold prudently.
  3. It’s Okay To Unspend. If you’re like me, you wouldn’t want to waste a single gold or mana. But sometimes you just have to, for the greater good. Getting your hands on the right card and deck is more important than spending the resources. So your cards when you get ‘em, don’t worry about wastage

These are some of the points which can help you improve your gameplay. Feel free to let me know if there’s anything else since I might’ve missed a few.

Final Words: That’s It!

Now it’s time to draw the curtains on this exploration of Fairytale Fables’ best builds, strategies, and decks. Armed with insights into the most formidable builds, I believe you’re ready to face every challenge and script your tales of victory. You can also check out our reviews and guides to find other games like Fairytale Fables.


Hiya Lahiri is a Video Game Guide Contributor at GameGeekFusion. She specializes in writing guides about AAA and Indie titles. She loves playing Strategy games like Total War, CK, AoE and more!

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