Anime Last Stand is a tower defense RPG on Roblox with an anime twist. It has everything you expect from the traditional tower defense gameplay, like placing down units to defend your base. But, the in-game characters are inspired by various popular animes like Naruto, Berserk, One Piece, etc.
To summon better units to fight stronger enemies, you’ll need a ton of Emeralds but it can be very time-consuming to obtain them and afford units. Luckily, there are codes that you can redeem to receive freebies ranging from Emeralds to Rerolls and more. So, here’s a complete list of all Anime Last Stand codes, so you can defend your base with ease.
List of Anime Last Stand Codes

Here’s the updated list of all valid Anime Last Stand codes:
Code | Rewards |
NewEraComing | 25 Rerolls |
SUMMERPART2 | 150 Emeralds, 7 Rerolls, 250 Shells |
TY180KLIKES | 150 Emeralds, 7 Rerolls, 250 Shells |
TY180KFAVS | 250 Emeralds |
DragonVSHunters | 5 Rerolls |
Sorry4ShutdownAgain!! | 100 Emeralds, 5 Rerolls, 50 Shells |
MoreCodes!! | 250 Emeralds, 5 Rerolls |
Summer2024! | 200 Emeralds, 5 Rerolls, 100 Shells, 1 Perfect Stat Cube |
CID! | 100 Emeralds, 5 Rerolls, 50 Shells |
Sorry4Shutdown!! | 100 Emeralds, 5 Rerolls, 50 Shells |
QUESTRESET | 5 Stat Cubes, 3 Reset Trees |
SubToBlamSpotonYouTubeForShenron | Wish Dragon (Exotic) Unit, subscribe to Blam Spot on YouTube and verify YouTube username in Anime Last Stand |
TorSavedALS | 750 Emeralds, 10 Rerolls, 10 Spirit Shards |
All Expired Anime Last Stand Codes

Here’s a list of all Anime Last Stand codes that are no longer working:
- RobloxBrokeUs!
- FollowBoss
- 170kLikes
- 170kFavorites
- PatchUpdate!!
- DemonPortals!!
- UpdateRerolls!!
- SorryForShutdown!!
- Sorry4Delay!
- ChooChoo
- QOLSprinkleUPD
- FreeRerolls!!
- QuickFixies
- QuickRestart!
- QOLUpdate2!
- HBDCaleB2024
- X7Weekend!
- ConverterFix?!
- BossStudiosOnTop
- BannerFix!?!
- BannerFixed?
- BugFixesTeehee
- CaleBTheHero
- DelayedUpdate
- OPMUpdate
- AdmiralsUPD
- SaviourCaleB
- BossStudio1stUpd
- AriseWakeyWakey
- BossStudiosTakeover!
- CongratsMrBeast1Billion2
- ToTheFuture!!
- FollowJULLGRINDSonTwitch
- Sub2NagBloxonYT
- Sub2UniversalPantheronYT
- Sub2SebbyastianonYT
- LongMaintenanceLimitedCode
- CongratsMrBeast1Billion
- Update5!
- ShenronFixImSorry
- HappyEaster
- Sub2MayyjeeeOrCodeWontWork
- Sub2ZerozKinger1MilSubs
- Sub2Shock
- GoodbyeMash
- GlitchFix
- TheGoat
- 2xDropsUpdateSOONHype!
- 500kMembersLETSGOO
- 400kMembersLETSGOO
- GrindRerollsFromChallenges!
- BlamsQuestBugCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- NeelsTV
- Glitched
- Sub2BmGTormenter117onYT
- Sub2KingLuffy
- Sub2Noclypso176k
- Blams100kLikesCode
- Update3
- BlamSpotsOP75MillVisitCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- BackupMinatoMustBeSubbedtoTorToWork
- PortalBugFixes
- Blams100kFavoritesCode
- Real
- ALSUpdate2YutaHype
- evolvethis
- SorryForDelayAndMaintenance
- BlamsSecretMiniUpdateMustBeSubbedToWork
- BigUpdateWednesday
- ALSUpdateIsCooking
- HanminloveSecretCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- ThankYouSoMuch45mVisits
- SkillTreeRestALPHAReportAnyBugs
- BlamSpotInsaneWeekendCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- BlamSecretValentinesCode
- BlamSpoyYTSecretUnitCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- BlamsAndShocksNightmare100kMemberRerollCodeTrySubscribingToBlamSpotOnYTAndFollowingFr_ShockOnTwitterIfItDoesntWork
- TyFor25mVisitsOMG!
- 200kMembersINSANE!
- 50ThousandFavorites!!!
- Update1TrailerHYPE
- Sub2HotSauceHan
- ToadBoi120k
- BlamsOP5MillionVisitsRerollCodeMustBeSubbedToWorkLOL
- BlamTopSecretCodeWontWorkIfNotSubbed
- TyFor1mVisitsPart1
- SorryForDelay
- Fixes
- FminusMicSecretCodeMustBeSubbedToWorkLOL
- BlamsSecret1MillionUniquePlayerCode
- GoalReached
- Shutdown
- YammoRework
- TyFor1mVisitsPart2
- FinalDelay
- 3219872
- Async
- here
- Shock
- FreeNami
- TyFor10kFav
- TyFor2kFav
- Sub2Blamspot524k
- Sub2CodeNex77k
How To Redeem Codes In Anime Last Stand

Now that you know all Anime Last Stand codes, all you need to do is redeem them. Follow the steps below in order to redeem all your codes:
- Launch Anime Last Stand on Roblox.
- Click on the ‘CODES’ option on the left side of the screen.
- A ‘CODES’ text box will pop up. Enter whichever code you want to and hit ‘Redeem’
Anime Last Stand Codes Not Working

Redeeming codes in Anime Last Stand is a smooth process but there arise times when they simply don’t work even after you enter them and press redeem.
Check the following points to make sure that the issue isn’t occurring from your end:
- Check Code Capitalization: Anime Last Stand codes are extremely case-sensitive, which basically means that if you input even a single letter incorrectly, the code will not work. So make sure that you put in the codes in the exact way that they’re listed above.
- Expired Code: In addition to being case-sensitive, Anime Last Stand codes are also very time-sensitive, which means that whenever a code doesn’t work, there are high chances that it has expired. Check the validity of a code before using it, and redeem it as soon as possible.
- Already Redeemed: There may be times when you input an unexpired code in the correct way and it still doesn’t work. That can happen when you type in a code that you’ve previously redeemed, so naturally, it won’t work. To avoid that, keep track of all the codes that you’ve already redeemed and redeem the rest.
How To Get More Anime Last Stand Codes

Codes are added whenever Anime Last Stand is updated or whenever the game hits a specific milestone. To ensure that you don’t miss any codes, you can find more of them on the following platforms:
- Discord: Whenever new codes drop, developers of the game announce them on the official Anime Last Stand Discord server.
- GameGeekFusion: You can always find more codes on our website as we continue to update it with newer codes.