Bloober Team’s Silent Hill 2 Remake has proven to be a worthy and faithful remake of the original. Similar to the original, the remake contains puzzles and riddles that will require plenty of time and exploration. The Gallows Puzzle is said to be one of the hardest puzzles in the game, and it’ll task you with weeding out the innocent from the criminals.

Silent Hill 2 Remake: Hotel Bookshelf Puzzle Guide
The Hangman Gallows Puzzle requires you to match poem verses according to the deeds of 6 criminals and find the one whose crime is justified. While the solution to this puzzle will be different for every player, we have done our best to simplify it to understand how it works. Here’s what you need to do to solve the Gallows Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake.
Match The Verses

For Standard difficulty, there are two possible verse matches. To solve the puzzle, you need to figure out the prisoner who was justified in committing their crime after reading the poems. Your goal is to match the first verses of the riddles in the middle with the second verses located at the bottom.
A quick trick to solving this puzzle is to visually analyze the tear lines on the couplets located on the pieces. If both the tear lines are aligned for the verses, then the game will autosave and you won’t be able to swap the pieces anymore, meaning the matches are correct.
If you end up choosing the wrong option, you’ll be dropped down to a room full of enemies. You’ll have to fight your way out, climb the ladder, and retry the puzzle again. Trial and error is a key aspect of solving this puzzle.
NOTE: The solution of the Gallows Puzzle will be different for every player. It is randomised and does not have a specific answer on any difficulty
Pull The Innocent Prisoner’s Noose

There are six nooses on the Gallows, each of them indicating six prisoners, and are labeled with Roman numerals. When you think you’ve matched the correct verses or come to a decision regarding who’s innocent, pull the noose with the same number as the innocent prisoner’s verse.
If you choose the correct noose, you’ll be dropped down to the prison’s morgue which is known as The Labyrinth, progressing to the next chapter of James’ nightmares. If you choose the wrong noose, you’ll be dropped down to a room full of enemies with no ammo or healing items on Standard difficulty. It’s better to reload your save if you don’t get it right.
The Poems

Here are all the poem verses or stanzas for the Hangman Gallows Puzzle. Remember, these are the verses for the Standard difficulty. The verses will be different if you’re playing on either Light or Hard difficulty.
Poem | Innocent Verse | Guilty Verse |
I. For your grace I do not plead, For the flames I did set free. Sisters shrieked and children cried, No one made it out alive. | Though the young ones’ deaths I mourn, Their tormentors are no more, On young souls the nuns did prey, Took their innocence away. | I watched them burn, I heard them cry, I felt a soothing warmth inside. It felt so good, I cannot lie, And for my bliss, they had to die. |
II. The wealth of others I did take, The seventh statute I did break. And yet my deeds I don’t regret, I had my reasons that is that. | The reason, if I have to say, Was to survive another day. To them, it was a loaf of bread. To me, a cherished step ahead. | What were those reasons you might ask, The truth allow me to unmask. I see. I crave. I need. I take. ‘Tis all the sense it needs to make. |
III. I took the child you are quite right, Carried her off into the night. She did not scream, she did not bawl, I was her father after all. | Forgive me, child, for I have failed, To save you from her wretched ways, She whom I loved, who gave you life, A monster hiding in plain sight. | My only daughter, joy of days, They wanted to take you away. Hush, little baby, and be still. If I can’t have you, no one will. |
IV. Once the sun has ceased its reign, I cut through the rusty chain. Pushed the door and snuck within, Filled my pockets to the brim. | So my guilt is plain to see, I had robbed the pharmacy. Yet, I did so not for gain, But so I could ease the pain. | I departed with great haste, Leaving not a single trace, Ever faithful to my creed, All is right which feeds my greed. |
V. Mommy dearest, mommy sweet, Your love for me was so deep.’Why, oh, why?’, you shouted out, When my knife pierced through your heart. | You broke my legs, I couldn’t walk, You pulled my teeth, I couldn’t talk You fed me pills to slow my mind, I took your life ‘fore you took mine. | You were, oh, so kind to me, Filled my heart with joy and glee. In the end, it was for naught, ‘Why, oh, why?’, you ask. Why not? |
VI. I waited long, I bid my time. I waited to commit my crime. The man appeared, he saw me not, A bloody end is what he got | In truth, he was less man than beast. And on my flesh and soul he’d feast. My will to live he’d try to break. There is so much a man can take. | In truth, I did not hesitate, As my blade sealed the poor man’s fate. He knew the rules, they are quite clear, Go against me, your end is near. |
Once you’re able to figure out the solution, pull the noose with the Roman numeral assigned to the innocent prisoner to solve the puzzle and move on to the next chapter of the game.

Silent Hill 2 Remake
Survival Horror, Puzzle, Adventure

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